Anna Galagan – vítězka zlaté medaile z Malvernu


V letošním roce jsem opět navštívila jednu z anglických známých flower show, tentokrát v krásném lázeňském městečku Malvern

Za pozvání vděčím skvělé hlavní organizátorce Nině Acton, která mne přípravou na show provedla. Jí vděčím za to, že jsem měla možnost se seznámit s významnými architekty, ale i s novými tvářemi.

Když jsem uviděla prezentaci Anny Galagan, říkala jsem jí, že určitě vyhraje, protože nápad je skvělý. Ve volném překladu její zahrada říká, že svět vidíme takový, jaký si ho v hlavě představíme – buď nikde nic, nebo je to krásná zahrada. Anna nakonec zlatou medaili získala a my dvě jsme se blíže spřátelily. 

Jako první v Čechách vám přinášíme rozhovor s touto úspěšnou zahradní architektkou. Anna rozhovor autorizovala, z toho důvodu je v angličtině.


During my visit in Malwern I met Anna Galagan http://www.anna-galagan.comexperienced garden designer and the winner of the gold medal. During her visit in Prague we agreed on the future co-operation and also on the following interview. You have a special possibility to get inspiration from the one of the contemporary word top designers:

Dear Anna,
many congratulations for the winning a gold medal on the flower show in Malvernin England this year. It is a big success so please let me ask you several questions to share your experiences also with other who like garden design:

1)What was the main reason you become the garden designer?

Creating gardens makes me feel happy. And it’s a very strong reason 🙂

2)What was your journey to the Malvern flower show?

It was a long way from idea to implementation.

Modeling process took a lot of time but at the same time it was much easier than to find a way how to make a concrete structure floating in the air or to chose the right range of plants in another country with different climate zone. 

Then I had to find a constructor and planting team overseas. 

I had to visit Britain much in advance to negotiate production of my concrete brain shape, to visit nurseries and to meet with the team. I was lucky to work with the best specialists. 3 fantastic weeks on site disregarding heavy rains or hurricane wind! 

And my garden turned to be a real attraction!

3)Which were your main 3 mistakes in your garden designer practice and why did they happen?

My recap from my mistakes is the following:

– You should control the project on every stage and check the important input data several times. Type of soil for example is crucial so it’s better to take a troul and to check it then to believe a subcontractor.

– Do not forget practical aspect. Notwithstanding your garden is a real gem it has no value if the garden is hard or impossible to service. 

4) What was the key points needed to succeed in such a competition?

– Attention to details. In every step – from design and submission to planning/ negotiation/ preparation/ timing etc.

– Look around and communicate! There is huge concentration of experience on site.

– Be flexible. You can’t predict everything but you can manage uncertainty.

– Leave room for your stress after the show. But until you complete your garden you should think only positive way 🙂

5) Do you work only in your country or would you like to have clients 
also abroad?

– I like overseas projects and happy to have clients abroad. Every time it’s a new exciting experience 

6) Do you have some secret key or favorable flowers/trees which give the garden the proper glance?

As I prefer naturalistic planting style. I like using ordinary native plants like viburnum, sambucus, crataegus, rosa multiflora etc. These shrubs give volume, flowers and fruits and are attractive for the whole season. They very well fit the surrounding landscape and can be used for fusion.

As to perrenials and grasses – I love so many! But when designing a garden for someone you need to take into account plants sustainability, low care and good look throughout the whole season. From this point I like and often use anemone and astilbe for shade, nepeta fassenai, perovskia, hemerocalis, allium nutans etc. They never fail!

When there is a need to create a structure I often use cotoneaster. 

7) What would be your 3 recommendations to people creating the garden 

– Do not try to use as many plants in your garden as possible. Your garden will look more stylish if you use lower variety and bigger volumes of each plant.

– It’s easier to chose appropriate plants for the type of soil in your garden then trying to improve the soil to fit the plants.

-Think about plant’s look throughout a season. If the leafs are not so attractive after flourishing make sure this is not appeared on the foreground.

Many thanks, Anna, for your time and your tips. I am looking forward to cooperate with you in the future.


Zahrada na tělo
Jana Šorfová je nositelkou následujícího vzkazu: Věřte si, přejte si i ta nejbláznivější přání. Je to motor, který vás k jejich naplnění dovede. Pro mě osobně jsou zahrady nositeli příjemných zážitků, setkávání s přáteli, odpočinku a kreativity.

Baví mě vdechovat zahradám život a jejich prostřednictvím nalézat jemnou harmonii mezi dnešním uspěchaným životem a místem pro dopočinek, radost a zábavu. Inspiruji a podněcuji ostatní k vybudování a udržování zahrady, která pohýčká tělo, nasytí s-mysl-y a polechtá duši. Můj příběh si přečtěte zde >>
